Not Your Farmhouse Painted Floors
As much as I do love a good farmhouse with painted floors, I'm a bit more into sophisticated, high style painted floors. Think Mary McDonald painted floors with bold geometric patterns. Give me a good neutral, geometric floor and I'm off running with inspiration. If you have old hardwoods that have seen better days, why not play around with a painted floor? You have nothing to loose and it might buy you some time before you need to replace the floor. And who knows, you might just fall in love with your new floors, you won't want to replace them!
A smashing neutral dining room that pops with the yellow accents and white floor designed by Mary McDonald.
A high impact foyer. Remember, it's ok to paint your trim the same color as your wall color. If the trim was painted white it would detract from the wall color and floors. I'll never forget when Brad and I bought our first house and had to "hire" my father in law with pizza as his payment. He helped us paint our family room. I said, "paint everything the wall color, chair rail, baseboards and crown moulding." You wanna know how many times he questioned me on that? Let's just say a few ;) but when it was painted and the furniture in place he agreed with my decision.
What a fresh bright space. Love the drapes, light fixture and floors!
A classic Mary McDonald space. But hello crown moulding!
Helloooooo gold!!! But why on earth did they feel like they needed to add what looks like couch cushions to this photo? Via
Not quite ready to paint your floors? Try a two tone stain for a more subtle approach. Via
Via Southern Living
I don't know if this is epoxy or what, but sign me up for high gloss floors! And note how the pattern is also brought into the eat in kitchen under the table.
A classic harlequin pattern
Note how the door color pulls out the painted floors.
Ok, so how much did you drink last night watching the election?!!! I'll just say, I had a good amount ;). #stressful
Thanks for reading!