I've got celebrations on my mind lately. I have a lot to be happy about, my husband has taken a new job which is moving us to Charlotte, North Carolina. I'm planning the boys birthday parties which always gets me excited. And well, when I was in Charlotte my friend and I bought lemonade from a little girl and boy named Ava and Wilder. Their Dad has given me an opportunity of a lifetime. I'm talking like, things like this just don't happen. Call it fate, or whatever, but I somehow was suppose to meet this random man with his kids and then I would have to decide if I was confident enough to say yes to this remarkable opportunity.
Fear, it's a crazy thing, but as this Dad, Zack, said to me, "Fuck failure or being scared. I failed many times in my career and I still fail. But the reason I'm not a failure is I never stop." So, everyday I'm going to appreciate this crazy opportunity, and start saying what my friend said to me, "You got this. Jump in!!"
So, in honor of so many fun and exciting things going on in my life, let's celebrate. I want to introduce you to Jihan Zencirli. She is the woman behind Geronimo Balloons. You might not know of her, but you probably know of something she started as a trend though, a large 3' balloon with a long string of garland attached. You know what I'm talking about. Well that turned into something remarkable. This isn't just your run to the grocery store grab a balloon, think balloon installations on sides of buildings.
Whitt, my littlest son is obsessed with balloons. So much so, that for his 4th birthday my very good friend sent him balloons and helium so he could have balloons any time. He was a hot air balloon for Halloween when he was 3 years old. I would love to see his face see one of these balloon installations. Art takes many forms. I do not think it has to be necessarily a painting, or a sculpture. It can be meticulously planned out balloons for the New York Ballet in Lincoln Center or balloons over a 15 foot table, or balloons wrapping around a building.
If you go to Geronimo's Instagram her captions will have nothing to do with her balloons but often times give me a chuckle.
The art installation at the Lincoln Center for the New York City Ballet.
I bet they never thought they'd see this at the New York City Ballet.
I like how on some of her installations it's as if the balloons are just spilling out of the buildings, busting at the seams.
Wouldn't you just die if you could make this party?
With design you might often hear the word "depth". I know my husband hates it when he's stringing lights on the Christmas tree and I say the lights are not far enough in and how the ornaments can't just be on the outer branches. The lights and ornaments have to be in the tree to show the tree has depth. Geronimo understands that concept which is why her installations truly pop and don't just look like a line of balloons.
A close up example of how much depth is in her art.
This reminds me of a snake just wrapping itself around everything.
Just look at the size of some of those balloons!!
This art installation says so much doesn't it?
An installation for Squarespace's New York office in support of the Pride parade in 2017.
A great example of mixing "finishes" if you will, with the matte and shiny balloons.
An installation to celebrate Oh Joy's 10 years of business. Quite the fete.
This, this is a concrete home that the iconic Frank Lloyd Wright designed and built for his son and daughter in law, David and Gladys. The David and Gladys Wright house is in Phoenix, Arizona. In June of last year a birthday celebration was had for what would have been Frank's 150th birthday. Talk about a party.
Thanks for reading! Now go pop some champagne, you've got something to celebrate I'm sure. Time to look at things as cup runneth over.