Mom's Nook
Being a mom comes with a lot of stuff. And I don't mean the dirty diapers, melt downs, and lessons on how to tie your shoes. I'm talking the post-it note to remind yourself to get 400 spoons for school, the birthday invitations that are printed but still need to be stuffed and addressed, the bill that needs to be paid, the book that you keep forgetting to bring back to school, the beginnings of end of the year teacher gifts. The list goes on and on, but where do you put all that junk? Well for me, it's a portion of the kitchen countertop and the dining room table. Oh how the dining table serves so many functions in this house. I've told Brad for awhile now that if we ever settle down, I don't need the biggest bathroom or biggest closet, I just need a small "mom office". A place to put up a baby shower invitation and a place to hide all the junk that just happens when you become a mom.
A common place to have a small "mom command center" is the kitchen. It won't be anything big but it gets the job done. Really all you need for a great "mom nook" is a space to put your computer, some drawers and cabinets, anything to hide the junk!
obsessed with the tile backsplash
this might be one of the prettiest mom nooks i've ever seen. a library sconce with that art and chair, to die for
i love everything about this kitchen space. the cabinet color with the brass hardware, the small drawers with an architectural feature, and the tv! And if the witching hour gets to be too much you're just a few steps away from the bar
for me, i know that if i had to have the "mom nook" in the kitchen i would need a pin board. however to keep it from looking generic, step it up a level and add a nailhead detail
Ok, so to be honest I would really prefer to have a small room for my "mom space". I know I need more than just a small space in the kitchen and I also really like a door. Isn't a door just great? You can just shut it all out! Obviously if you have a small room, you'll be more likely to be able to fit a printer, more cabinets, and maybe even be able to fit a file cabinet drawer.
Could you imagine if you had this space? another pretty paint color, especially with the simple black hardware via Munger Interiors
This space reminds me of a Restoration Hardware designed mom space; designed by Hill Mitchell Berry Architects
via Elle Decor
via Brown Ink
great custom bookcase; designed by Scout for the HOme
Get creative, I'm sure you can find a small slice of heaven in your home now. Or, this might be a good time to talk to the hubby and tell him you'd like a dedicated "mom nook" for Mother's Day. He can't say no, right? It's your day!!
via HOme Bunch
Thanks so much for reading!